On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 14:54, Pierre Joye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What's about Sanjay Mantoor, Feliix dV or all the other test fest
> attendees continuing their work after the end of the test fest?

Sure, after having "proven themselves" to be worth it for some period
of time, not like the ones who commit and bail.

> I'm not sure I like the idea of a strong credits page, it creates ego
> related issues which are not helping. A general page with the list of
> the QA contributors or coordinators (@Zoe, dictactor-like ;) would be
> better and more flexible.

Sounds like a great idea.
If we can get that ridiculous credit list away I bet some people will
start doing something about the sadness that overwhelms the current

>From the looks of things people are treating that website like a
deadly decease which they don't want to get near to and believe its
goal is to be a "QAT website" (when in fact no such team exists) and
rather then give it love go of and create other "teams" to get credit.

My end-goal here is to face the facts: Quality assurance is about
testing, providing builds for people to test on, look into bugs and
everything along those lines.
snaps.php.net, downloads.php.net/~randomguy2/some-rc, windows.php.net,
pecl4windows.php.net, ubuntu.php.net, 64bit.php.net.... qa.php.net
should be the center of it all.
The existing servers would obviously do the actual heavy-lifting
(doing the builds/downloads) but it should all be linked from qa.


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