
On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 1:41 PM, Hannes Magnusson
<hannes.magnus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 13:26, Etienne Kneuss <webmas...@colder.ch> wrote:
>> Could you please provide an example, with code, in which this function
>> would be necessary ? (i.e. where you can't use SplObjeccctStorage)
> Why?
> As far as i understand, the issue is that spl_object_hash() is slow
> and people want a faster alternatives.
> Although the initial reason for the faster alternative was to do
> maintain some classmap for a "random" PHP project, this has nothing to
> do with the fact spl_object_hash() is slow, especially compared to the
> proposed spl_object_id() function.

People that need a faster alternative usually need it to have an
efficient object hash map. So far all the use cases where a faster
spl_object_hash was needed is to do exactly that. Since this is
already possible, the need for spl_object_id is questionable. If there
is a clear need for it, I'll be happy to implement it myself.

> Now, your "workarounds" using SplObjectStorage may work for the
> previous mentioned usecases - but how the frick is anyone supposed
> know to know about the wonders of SplObjectStorage?
> The doxygen is very confusing and definetly does not replace real
> documentation - plus it doesn't mention the things you are referring
> too (object => data map) or any of the other 5.3 features.

So, since documentation is currently bad, we should implement some
additional functions to do the same?
Sorry, but your SPL documentation vendetta is irrelevant to the
question at hand.

> -Hannes

Etienne Kneuss

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as
when they do it from a religious conviction.
-- Pascal

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