
The new implementation of spl_object_hash will solve it, since it's a
faster implementation than the old one.
Just one hint, you should not try to echo the generated hash, since it
may have non-printable chars.

Also, your code may still be possible to use SplObjectStorage.
Etienne did a lot of research regarding how it could be used, and he
showed me that a n-dimensional array is possible too.

In your situation, $events should be an ArrayAccess instance, while
each $events[$event] should be an SplObjectStorage.

Something like that:

class EVENT {
    private static $events = null;

    public static function register($event, $obj, $method) {
        if (self::$events === null) self::$events = new ArrayAccess();
        if ( ! isset(self::$events[$event])) self::$events[$event] =
new SplObjectStorage();

        self::$events[$event][$obj] = array($obj, $method);

    public static function fire($event, &$eventData = null) {
        if (isset(self::$events[$event])) {
            foreach(self::$events[$event] as $callable) {
                call_user_func_array($callable, array(&$eventData));

I hope this helps. =)


On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 4:23 PM, Oskar Eisemuth <patch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> My usage for spl_object_id wouldn't be solved with SplObjectStorage,
> here is my current event handler (it uses spl_object_hash)
> I still have the plan to replace it with something better but it simply
> works,
> currently it's not possible to "free" an object.
> EVENT::register accepts a static class or object instance.
> class EVENT {
>   private static $events = array();
>   public static function register($event, $obj, $method) {
>       if (!isset( self::$events[$event])) self::$events[$event] = array();
>             if (is_object($obj)) {
>           $hash = spl_object_hash($obj);
>       } else {
>           $hash = $obj;
>       }
>       self::$events[$event][$hash] = array($obj, $method);
>   }
>   public static function fire($event, &$eventData = null) {
>       if (isset(self::$events[$event])) {
>           foreach(self::$events[$event] as $callable)
>           {
>               call_user_func_array($callable, array(&$eventData));
>           }
>       }
>   }
> }
> So spl_object_id would be a nice...
> Best regards
> Oskar Eisemuth
> --
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