On 21.06.2009, at 10:24, Lester Caine wrote:

Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:
On 21.06.2009, at 09:51, Lester Caine wrote:
Johannes Schlüter wrote:
On Sat, 2009-06-20 at 07:49 +0100, Lester Caine wrote:
While I know that ...
- All ereg functions are deprecated and emit E_DEPRECATED errors.
 Use PCRE (preg_*()) instead.

... is accurate, I think a little more detail would help here, since many of us probably did not know that 'split' was an ereg function - for instance?
hm, the las version on the wiki listed them ...
In general: I'd like if people could come up with more details and add them to the docs. (See Rasmus's mail) So that this file is as short as i makes sense so people have a chance to be aware of as much contents as
possible - and isn't scared away.

I was probably looking more for pointers to some extra information. Part of the problem here is that the warnings are being thrown in code that *I* did not write, so then one either has to search for updated versions of a library or work out how to fix them yourself - where I'd 'borrowed' the code originally. Simply hiding E_DEPRECATED is likely to lead to even bigger blowups later? :(
Actually E_DEPRECATED is only something you should enable temporarily. Then you can alert either your own team, or the project who's code you are using and move on. It simply tells you that the code will break with the next major version. This is not an end of world fatal error.

On a production site - probably - but I see no reason to disable it on the development sites. It's all to easy to grab a bit of code and drop it in, forgetting that it's now on the 'deprecated' list. I avoid libraries that throw errors and will only work with 'display_errors=off'. If I need to use them then I will fix any errors even if 'non-fatal' before using the code in production! So before PHP5.3 is acceptable for production, any warning needs to be addressed - at least in my book.

There is a reason why E_DEPRECATED isn't part of E_ALL. Anyways, its your call, but its not what we suggest. But overall there is always room for doc improvements (feel free to help out), but in the end you need to know the code or familiarize yourself with the code if you want to "fix" it, though per se .. there is nothing broken with the code in the current version of PHP.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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