Hello PHP folks,

      I've seen this discussed previously, and would like to add a few
      arguments for the multi-threading side vs. async processing,
      which I've seen mentioned as a viable alternative:

      1. Imagine that from time to time, some background processing takes 1
      second of CPU time - w/o multithreading, all your async operations,
      like accepting a connection to a socket, aio or others are basically
      stalled. So, async is a good approach, but does not work as a magic
      wand for all problem spaces. Alternatively, you could fork and then do the
      processing, but then the state syncing of the forked background processing
      results with the main thread requires a whole new protocol / switching to
      interprocess communication, which makes such developments unnecessarily
      hard. Threads exist for a _reason_ not only because they sound cool.

      2. Without thread support, it is not possible to use multi-core processing
      paradigms directly from PHP - which means PHP relies on external 
frameworks for
      that feature, which, in a sense, makes it a non-general-purpose language.
      It _could become_ a general purpouse tool, if it had proper 
      support built-in.

      I, personally, considered developing websockets / nanoserv server stack 
with PHP
      and bumped into the multithreading limitation - AFAIK it is the only big 
      separating PHP from the general purpouse languages. Everything else is 
      integrated with lots of external libraries/modules giving rise to 
potential rapid
      application development while using it.

      Cheers and let me know about your thoughts, and potential core 
      issues regarding developing this language feature.

Best regards,
 speedy                          mailto:speedy.s...@gmail.com

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