Hello Rasmus,

Thursday, April 1, 2010, 5:21:55 PM, you wrote:

> On 04/01/2010 07:32 AM, speedy wrote:
>>       1. Imagine that from time to time, some background processing takes 1
>>       second of CPU time - w/o multithreading, all your async operations,
>>       like accepting a connection to a socket, aio or others are basically
>>       stalled. So, async is a good approach, but does not work as a magic
>>       wand for all problem spaces. Alternatively, you could fork and then do 
>> the
>>       processing, but then the state syncing of the forked background 
>> processing
>>       results with the main thread requires a whole new protocol / switching 
>> to
>>       interprocess communication, which makes such developments unnecessarily
>>       hard. Threads exist for a _reason_ not only because they sound cool.

> There are plenty of mechanisms/protocols for doing this.  Gearman works
> extremely well for managing out-of-band jobs like this, for example.

Yes, but sometimes, esp. in more real-time oriented applications, state merging 
very hard to do - though I agree that protocols and mechanisms exist for out of
band processing, there are plenty of cases in which they are suboptimal.

>>       2. Without thread support, it is not possible to use multi-core 
>> processing
>>       paradigms directly from PHP - which means PHP relies on external 
>> frameworks for
>>       that feature, which, in a sense, makes it a non-general-purpose 
>> language.
>>       It _could become_ a general purpouse tool, if it had proper 
>> multi-threading
>>       support built-in.

> PHP is not a general-purpose language and there are no plans to make it
> one.  Your OS provides scheduling and is responsible for making best use
> of your multiple cores.  With many concurrent web requests your multiple
> cores should be put to good use.

Current situational facts are against that claim - with PHP delivered as a CLI
interpreter, and via that route, having more and more software applications 
outside the web serving scope/domain, PHP has spontaneously made strides into
becoming a general purpouse tool.

I think the only remaining step in that direction is to have the native
multi-threading support. I plan to check out how hard would that be, and see how
many people would be needed for developing that feature in some reasonable 

Also, keep in mind that the web is slowly shifting towards real-time 
/ streaming with emergence of Comet, HTML5 Web Sockets etc. There are already 
many web
server implementations specialising in that, and PHP is _not_ their language of 

> -Rasmus

Best regards,
 speedy                            mailto:speedy.s...@gmail.com

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