On 29.04.2010, at 08:38, Jérôme Loyet wrote:

> 2010/4/29 Andi Gutmans <a...@zend.com>:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Johannes Schlüter [mailto:johan...@schlueters.de]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 9:40 AM
>>> To: Pierre Joye
>>> Cc: Gwynne Raskind; Ilia Alshanetsky; Kalle Sommer Nielsen; Lukas Kahwe
>>> Smith; Andi Gutmans; Derick Rethans; PHP Developers Mailing List
>>> Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] trunk is alive and open
>>> On Tue, 2010-04-27 at 17:46 +0200, Pierre Joye wrote:
>>>> Before even thinking about a planning, we have to define what we want
>>>> in and how we go further.
>>> ACK, I think it makes sense to define some "key features" we want for the 
>>> next
>>> release (traits seem to be one). An issue with 5.3 was that whenever really
>>> defined that but only said "let's backport from 6 and add all stuff coming 
>>> in". I
>>> think it makes sense to define a set of key features (traits, what else?) 
>>> and once
>>> these are implemented in an accepted way (not meaning "stable" but having an
>>> accepted design) make a release branch (either by branching of or locking 
>>> trunk
>>> for "bigger"
>>> features or whatever) where stability of this is improved else we end up 
>>> adding
>>> feature after feature and introducing problem after problem.
>> As I've mentioned in the past I think we are better off with shorter release 
>> cycles and less features per cycle. Reduces risk and enables us to push out 
>> value faster. For example, we have made (and are still making) significant 
>> performance enhancements to the runtime. It'd be a shame if that waited 
>> until Q4 for alpha. I think with traits, performance enhancements and a few 
>> additional changes we already have a pretty substantial version.
> +1


Lukas Kahwe Smith

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