On 10/29/2010 08:24 PM, Scott MacVicar wrote:
On Oct 29, 2010, at 6:17 PM, admin wrote:

On 10/29/2010 08:11 PM, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
On 10/29/2010 7:47 PM, admin wrote:


This has to be THE most asked question by new php developers when they come 
across it.
Can we please change the token name to T_DOUBLE_COLON so I don't have to hear 
about it

Those that disagree don't do enough PHP support to know how often it is asked. 
it's worth it.

Is it that hard to at least review the mailing list archives before ranting?

At least posters would sound like they have educated themselves on why what
came to be, and argue sensibly for changes.

obviously the old arguments didn't work, time to start anew.

using a name like "admin" in your email headers isn't going to be very 

For what its worth its Hebrew for double colon. I'm all for the change, will 
see what I can do next week.

- S

Oops, sorry didn't even notice it was there, I don't send mail from this account much.

Should be fixed.  Though I don't care what my name has to do with reception.

What is in a name anyway?

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