On 25 November 2010 09:47, Pierre Joye <pierre....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Please not I'm not requesting to do it now and here, only trying to
> get a feeling/poll about git usage.

I would be +1 on this, where 1 is the biggest 1 possible without it
becoming 2. :)

git-svn is a reasonable alternative for smaller repositories and
projects (I use it at work on a daily basis to deal with older
projects that we haven't migrated to git), but the PHP repository is
difficult to use effectively with it, since it (in my experience, at
least) requires a checkout of every revision for proper handling of
branches and tags. git-svn also imposes some restrictions on developer
workflow which aren't insurmountable, but do limit what you can do
relative to a real git repository.

So, in short, I'd love to see us move to git.


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