Hi Lester,

>> Its a defacto standard.  Of course there is nothing stopping PHP from
>> implementing properties that way, but by going against the standard set
>> by
>> the rest of the industry, it is very confusing for programmers coming
>> from
>> other languages to learn PHP.  A good example is how "==" works
>> differently in PHP than in other languages.  In PHP, "===" works like
>> "=="
>> does everywhere else.  "(string)'0' == (int)0", for example is true in
>> PHP, but false in most other languages.  I have had countless
>> conversations with PHP developers who claim the language is "broken",
>> because == does not work like they expect it to, after which I have to
>> explain === to them.  This is because PHP goes against the defacto
>> standard.  Maybe it would have been better if == and === had the
>> opposite
>> meaning, as to not squash the standard?
> You have got me there.
> = is assign
> == is equal value
> === is equal type and value
> At least on all the languages I've been using recently ... where is this a
> problem?

In any language that does not have === it is like this:

= is assign
== is equal type and value

That is where the confusion comes from.  People do not expect "0" and 0 to
be equal, because they are different types.

- Dennis

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