On 12/2/10 7:51 AM, Patrick ALLAERT wrote:

+1 for removing T_VAR and making T_FUNCTION optional in a major release.
-1 otherwise.

I am still firmly -1 on removing T_FUNCTION for methods.

Patrick Allaert
http://code.google.com/p/peclapm/ - Alternative PHP Monitor

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An entire major version relied on the usage of T_VAR within classes.
Many people still use it today.
I therefore am strongly against removing T_VAR, considering it would
break huge amounts of userland code.

If people migrate to a major version of PHP>  5 they should at least
stop relying on PHP 4 features still valid thanks to BC consideration.

In either case, it should be
deprecated with an E_DEPRECATED warning during at least another major
before it gets removed.

This makes much sense!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't T_VAR on class members already an E_STRICT warning? I thought it was...

--Larry Garfield

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