Adam Harvey wrote:
On 9 December 2010 18:14, Andrey Hristov <> wrote:
the topic says most of it. What do you think about deprecating the global
keyword and $GLOBALS with it? Together with this making $_REQUEST, $_GET and
$_POST read-only as they should be used only to read-only anyway.

-1 here. No question that if you were developing a new language with
similar design goals to PHP (but learning from the missteps), you'd
probably make the superglobal analogues read only and skip the idea of
$GLOBALS altogether, but there's just too much code out there that
relies on these "features" working.

There were many apps which relied on register_globals but register_globals was introduced. There were many apps which relied on references in PHP4, but the object model changed in 5, references too.
There are apps which rely on magic_quotes, but magic quotes are deprecated.
When some feature is changed or deprecated there will always be applications that need to change.



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