Andrey Hristov wrote:
You probably got me wrong. The code will be broken and can be fixed.
It's not like going line by line and checking whether everything will
work. I'm tired of explaining this.

SO you are happy to do all that work for us for free?
Only recently has PHP4 been dropped from support, but there are STILL a large number of projects that rely on it simply because no one has the time to rework years of code. GOOD CODE at the time it was written which is why the applications are still in use today.

Currently most of MY time is being spent testing site after site on the current builds of PHP5 and the other related base packages simply because 'little improvements' mean that some legacy areas DON'T work. I don't get paid for wasting that time and I certainly don't want additional work ( like dropping 'function' ) simply because someone thinks THEY know best !!!

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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