On 1/31/2011 1:43 PM, Pierre Joye wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 6:26 PM, William A. Rowe Jr.
> <wr...@rowe-clan.net> wrote:
>> On 1/30/2011 5:02 PM, Stas Malyshev wrote:
>>> It looks like all of these are reproducible only on vc6 build and all have 
>>> same issues
>>> with division and rounding, and all not reproducible on vc9 - which makes 
>>> me thing it's
>>> some vc6 problem. Maybe the one Gustavo identified, or something like it. 
>>> I'd be inclined
>>> to say recommendation for it would be to build it on vc9.
>> Why wouldn't you address this with VC10?  Is there some reason to use the 
>> already
>> stale n-1 version?
> It does not matter what is the latest VC version. What matters is that
> VC6 is a dead cow and we won't support it anymore, [..]

Which I think we agree with, but you answer is a non sequitur, if you are
defining the 'next right solution', why deploy the n-1 build environment?
You would just be applying that legacy to the next maintainer, whom like
you, will ask you why they need to be dealing with VC 9 :)

As a complete aside, Mladen reminds us on the httpd dev list that the Sun JDK's
are built with VC 2003, and my other two data points were always what 
offered for perl and python (and now, of course, what the strawberry perl 
So while I'm not insensitive to the PHP community, those are the four major
languages that could be deployed in-process which can suffer all sorts of
incompatibility with one another, and with httpd itself :)

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