Stas Malyshev wrote:
It seems to me that you are not interested on user's request and
rather accept/implement only what the features that interest you. It's
very bad for the language and very bad for all of users.

Of course we are interested in user's requests, and we implemented tons
of features at user's requests. That, however, does not mean we will
implement _every_ requested feature, and of course for features that we
like and understand the chance of being implemented are much higher and
for features that core contributors don't feel make sense or go contrary
to what they feel PHP should be the chance is low. I don't think it can
work any other way, at least not in volunteer-driven project.

I do feel it is about time there was a little back-pedalling and asking 'What do we NEED in PHP'. Personally a lot of the things that are been 'demanded' are of little use to make PHP work any better, and only add to the processing time. If people want a fully typed compiled language why aren't they using python or java ;) My own development framework is phpeclipse, and that give me all of the hinting and error checking that I need IN THE EDITOR, I don't need the language weight down further with bells and whistles that do not improve performance of the end application. PHP used to be a nice nimble interpreted language that I can add pages to without having to compile anything. Nowadays it seems that those days are coming to an end? Keep the hinting and error checking to the tools where they belong.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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