On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 4:57 PM, guilhermebla...@gmail.com <
guilhermebla...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi duke,
> I moved it to rejected in pro of a new proposal.
> I briefly drafted it here:
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/annotations-in-docblock
> There's a lot of things to be officially defined, but basic idea is there.
> I expect to have a chat with interested core devs to see what can be
> done in this subject and find some common sense. =)
Ok, so the agreed direction now would be to have some initial support for
annotations in comments to achieve syntax and data uniformity, and after its
necessity/utility is obvious to everybody then we can move to native
support?. Is this correct?.

BTW, I love the idea of using JSON as value.

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