Am 05.06.2011 22:05, schrieb Zeev Suraski:
> - There wasn't sufficient time, or nearly any time at all - between when 
> Brian pulled it off the attic, and when a vote was called.  If my proposal is 
> accepted, there'll have to be at least two weeks between when a clearly 
> marked [RFC] email hits internals@, and when a vote is called.
> - There wasn't a clearly marked, separate [VOTE] email.
> - There wasn't a clear or easy way of voting.
> - No voting period was announced, instead, people were told to stop mess 
> around and go vote.
> - The author of the RFC wasn't actively involved in the whole process (as far 
> as I could tell);  There was no official replacement proposer.

 These are all valid points.

> I'd still like to hear from others what they think about my proposal.

 If your proposal addresses the issue mentioned above: +1. Haven't had
 the time yet to read through it again, sorry.

Sebastian Bergmann                    Co-Founder and Principal Consultant                 

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