2011/8/24 David Soria Parra <d...@php.net>:
> Hi Internals,,
> after 3 weeks of discussion, I think we are ready to start voting on
> the DVCS RFC.  If you think something is missing or should be explained
> in more detail, let me know.

I won't transfer the discussion over here but; I don't want to move to
a new system we we did it just a few years ago, as Rasmus said long
before we moved was that we want to find a solid system that could
hold out just as long as the old setup. I don't have a problem by
using SVN, nor merge as we have been good at keeping files in sync so
its easy to merge patches, much easier than the old unicode-trunk.

That being said; I agree with Stas that having a vote is not a good
way to actually make a choice here, but it gives a hint of those that
voted, as I'm sure that there are many more actively working on the
project like PEAR. PECL and Doc guys thats not gonna vote because they
don't follow Internals.

But -1 from me.


Kalle Sommer Nielsen

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