
On 9/2/11 12:11 PM, Ulf Wendel wrote:
This is no more than a friendly request to check against latest and
greatest to avoid hitting bugs already fixed in libmysql. Latest GA is
5.1.58, if I'm not mistaken,
http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.1.html . You are testing again
5.1.4x. Generally speaking, libmysql 5.1.4x won't see updates, just like
PHP 5.2 won't.

While it is a good advice in general, I seriously doubt the semantics of mysql_num_rows() or last_insert_id() SQL statement changed between 5.1.4x and 5.1.5x. That would be serious and profound change totally inaproppriate for such version and my quick check of the changelogs suggests nothing of the sort. So I'm afraid there's little hope that the failures I am observing are caused by not using 5.1.5x.

Regarding test portability ... you probably can imagine how annoyed I
have been when orginally writing tests and hitting non portable stuff,
deperately trying to actually test for something.

I agree it is annoying, but we have to sort it out nevertheless. If we have tests that work only on some specific versions and break on others, we need either to identify breakage point and have them specifically pointed out (such as: "This test won't work on versions before X.Y.Z because mysql_foo_bar() function returns wrong value in foobar structure") and if possible, skipped out with informative message. Otherwise for any user that doesn't run exactly the same library version as test developer ran, the test suite doesn't work - he doesn't have the means to identify if something is wrong or not.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

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