Am 05.09.2011 12:00, schrieb Stas Malyshev:

On 9/5/11 2:49 AM, Ulf Wendel wrote:
Returning a relevant value for stmt_num_rows() seems a valid feature
request that makes perfectly sense to me and is somewhat in line with
the vague non-PS documentation of the case.

It's not a good situation where mysqlnd and libmysql have different
semantics and people are encouraged to rely on it (if you call it
feature, you encourage people to use it, otherwise why call it
feature?). It leads to code that works on mysqnd but not on libmysql,
without any indication of it - you'll just install an app, and it would

Well, those who want to reply on UNDEFINED behavior, shall fool themselves. It will be a great laugh for the rest of us.


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