2011/12/27 Ilia Alshanetsky <i...@ilia.ws>:
> The change is inside 5.4 version which adjust breaks BC.

I don't follow you here Ilia.

As per https://wiki.php.net/rfc/releaseprocess:
* "Backward compatibility must be respected with the same major
releases, for example from 5.2 to 5.6."
* Going from x.y.z to x.y+1.z, it is ok to break *binary*
compatibility but "Backward compatibility must be kept".


new DateTime("@{$_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']}");

works in 5.3 but not in 5.4.
AFAIK, creating a DateTime object based on the REQUEST_TIME is not an
exotic thing.
For sure, the fix is easy, but that is not the point, it *will*
actually break applications.

Did I miss something?


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