On 23/02/12 00:09, Stas Malyshev wrote:
> Hi!
>>> Sidenote, according your examples above on how you want call
>>> functions: Considered using normal constants?
>> How can I do type hinting with them?
> You should not. PHP is not a strictly typed language, so if you want
> strictly typed function you'll get in trouble, for the same reasons
> why strict scalar typing wasn't a good idea - you may want to re-read
> these discussions.
I disagree.
It is arguable whether having

> enum Databases { MySQL, Postgres, Oracle }
> enum Colors { Red, Green, Blue }
> database_select(Colors::Red, $sql); 

should give an error for a Databases type hint on the first parameter,
as it can be converted (that's a soft vs strict typing issue).

However, such typehint should avoid a call like:
> database_select(1024, $sql);

with which the function can't do anything sensible with (other than
returning an error if it does its own checking).

Best regards

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