On 7 March 2012 11:54, Kiall Mac Innes <ki...@managedit.ie> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 6:03 AM, Drak <d...@zikula.org> wrote:
>> [snip]
>> Forcing pushes to one's own topic branches in one's own fork can be
>> acceptable providing
>> upstream maintainers know before merging (for example squashing some work
>> after peer review), but not to the central repo without some exceptional
>> reason - it could cause chaos otherwise.
> Gerrit has an interesting take on this, you are free to do whatever you
> like on refs/heads/dev/${username}/* - including force push etc.
> Maybe something like this could be useful?

I understand, but it's totally unnecessary.  Features and fixes are done on
a local branch and published for review in your own local fork upstream.
 When you are ready you make a pull request and someone can merge in your
code - or if you have write access to the central repo simple merge and
push to the central branch for that feature.  There is no need for
complexity in the central repository.  It's easy, it will just take time
for contributors to find their feet if they are not used to git.



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