On Thu, 08 Mar 2012 17:51:34 +0100, Michael Morris <dmgx.mich...@gmail.com> wrote

I also don't understand your template argument. Why would you need to
namespace templates? Typically they are included from inside a function (and therefore don't change/access the global namespace).

You forget that variable scope and namespace scope have absolutely
nothing to do with each other.  At all.  If I have a template that
needs to call a function from within my project's namespace it must
either use the fully qualified name of the function or it must declare
the namespace it is part of on the first line.

Sorry, I confused things here for a moment. This in fact seems to be a valid use case. But you're only saving a line, and you can't rely on the fallback to globals because it would create an ambiguity.

Gustavo Lopes

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