On 23.04.2012 18:06, Johannes Schlüter wrote:
> On Mon, 2012-04-23 at 16:47 +0200, Jordi Boggiano wrote:
>> As you see it goes from no version at all to proper versions, passing by
>> svn revisions, dates, or a mix of all.
>> In Composer [1] we try to parse all that using ReflectionExtension, to
>> allow people to require some specific version of an extension if they
>> want. Obviously this doesn't work very well when no version or some
>> random revision number is provided.
>> Is there any other way I overlooked to get more version info? If not,
>> can this at least be improved in the future?
> For PECL extensions the version number should be fine (or you can hit
> the package maintainer ;-) ). For core stuff i'd propose to switch to
> PHP_VERSION as version everywhere. While this can be complicated for
> extensions which are maintained in both (oci8 for instance)

That sounds reasonable, but is it possible that someone does this for
all core ext (if it's not done yet, sorry I don't follow the commits
list)? Then I'll happily nag pecl maintainers if I find offenders :)

BTW I checked all the core exts I have on my machine, and none of them
has a version above 5, so changing them all to 5.4.2 should not mess up
any >=X.Y.Z constraint.


Jordi Boggiano
@seldaek - http://nelm.io/jordi

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