On 26.04.2012 15:50, Christian Stocker wrote:
> dom has the version 20031129 which is greater than 5. Not sure if anyone
> really checks against that, since not much changed there since obviously
> 2003 ;)

Yup it's the only one I noticed but since it's fairly well established,
usually you don't need to check if it's there (AFAIK).

> But the problem with extensions like dom is the used libxml version
> which actually causes problems, not the version of the extension itself.
> There's a bug in libxml < 2.7.0 which can hit you hard for certain
> namespaces. So getting just the version number won't help you here.
> But that's not something we have to take care of IMHO, one can get that

True, and maybe we should actually expose libxml and other bundled libs
as packages too via Composer. Could be handy.


Jordi Boggiano
@seldaek - http://nelm.io/jordi

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