On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 8:32 PM, Kris Craig <kris.cr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Some observations and questions:
> In the RFC, the top example claims to make use of the file() function, but
> in fact does not.  Did you mean fopen()?  Or did you mean that this to be an
> example of someone writing their own file() function in PHP for some reason
> (the "userland" reference is a bit confusing IMHO given the context).
It's an implementation of the file() function in userland code (as
opposed to the internal file() implementation). file() returns all
lines from a file as an array.

> In what way(s) do you believe this approach would differ from inline
> functions and what advantage(s) do you see in those differences?
I'm not sure what you mean by inline functions. PHP doesn't do
function inlining (and it doesn't seem related to this). Or do you
mean closures? Again, I'm not sure how closures are related to this.

> What release version do you believe should be targetted for this?
The next major version, i.e. PHP 5.5.


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