On 24/07/12 16:16, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
On 07/24/2012 06:35 AM, Nikita Popov wrote:
On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 1:20 PM, Laruence <larue...@php.net> wrote:
     As the previous threads disscussed,  I make a implemention.

     here is the RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/finally

     any suggestions?
The finally clause comes with a very strong promise that the code in
the clause will run in absolutely any case (short of sigkill, maybe).
No it doesn't, at least not in Java. A fatal Java error or an explicit
call to System.exit() will cause the finally clause to not be executed.
It is a simple exception-level construct and doesn't in any way promise
to be called in a fatal error situation. And regardless of what Java
does, we are free to define it and provide whatever promises we want
here, but keeping it in line with Java's implementation makes sense to me.


Yeah, finally{} won't happen in absolutely any case. But if there's an exception that's uncaught it *should* still run.

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