On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 1:34 PM, Ferenc Kovacs <tyr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2012.09.04. 18:58, "Rasmus Lerdorf" <ras...@lerdorf.com> ezt írta:
>> On 09/04/2012 09:36 AM, Adam Richardson wrote:
>> > I think Ferenc is correct in that this sounds like there's a custom
>> > error handler somewhere. If the custom error handler collects error
>> > info and then throws an exception (as has been detailed in various
>> > blog posts as one manner of unifying the errors), this would cause the
>> > trouble you're seeing.
>> Only on a new E_STRICT. Even with E_STRICT off by default, custom error
>> handlers are still called, and I think Lester said that turning E_STRICT
>> off made it work. So if this is the cause, then it has nothing to do
>> with E_STRICT being in E_ALL or not, nor whether display_errors is on or
>> off. It would have to do with the custom error handler blowing up on one
>> specific E_STRICT, which I find rather unlikely.
> Don't forget that many error handlers check the error level against the
> currently set error_reporting (so that they won't be executed on supressed
> errors and such).
> AFAIR we even promote that implementation in our error handler example in
> our docs.
> That would mean that the error handler main logic is only executed if
> E_STRICT is in the error_reporting.

I was second-guessing my recall I had a similar issue way back, after
Rasmus pointed out that the custom error handler is called even if
E_STRICT is off. However, I just looked back at my framework code, I
see I'm checking to make sure the error level matches, just as Ferenc
pointed out (what a forgetful old man I am.)

So, I think this could still be causing the issue and it's something
worth exploring on Lester's part.


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