Pierre Joye in php.internals (Fri, 15 Feb 2013 09:54:03 +0100):
>On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 9:45 AM, Jan Ehrhardt <php...@ehrhardt.nl> wrote:

>> Is that the column 5.5.0devvc11 under APC -igbinary? I have a Drupal7
>> site running on my devserver (W2K8, Apache 2.4.3, PHP 5.3.21 TS as
>> mod_fcgid) and do not get the idea it is running at one third (21.9 /
>> 69.4) of the speed of the same site without any cache at all.
>No, but O+ is broken right now in ZTS, it makes no sense to do further
>testing before it works for more than 0.5 request ;)
>But running TS builds in FCGI reduces drastically the issues due to
>thread safety bugs, while it makes no sense to use them, fcgi and the
>likes should rely on NTS builds. ZTS will do all kind of locks where
>it is absolutely not required, that explains at least 15-20% of the
>perf drop, virtual paths cover the rest.

I will try to compare the same site side-by-side with different configs.
The dev-server has 4 IPv4=adresses which gives a lot of config options.

>>>Mediawiki is slower because it does not support yet O+ for usercache,
>>>along other things.
>> Is the same the case with Symfony?
>no, MediaWiki caching modules only support APC or Wincache so far.

Is the performance drop for Symfony in the Wincache test due to the fact
that wincache is optimized for IIS or are there other reasons?


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