On 02/19/2013 11:22 PM, Klaus Ufo wrote:
> Hi there !
> We all know that the current PHP API has flaws. Maybe we could use namespaces 
> to build a new coherent PHP API ? Like :
> - \arr
> - \num
> - \str
> and so on. Advantages :
> - no more global functions
> - separation of concerns
> - backward compatibility
> - work can be done progressively
> - easy to add user-defined functions (using php namespaces)
> - we could provide a \str\utf8 namespace
> This is just an idea. I don't know what is your vision for a next PHP 6.
> KH

I'm aware people complain about PHP flaws, but having misc global core 
functions for strings, arrays and other data types is a new one.

I am still a purest at heart and don't see the need for namespacing in general. 
I am thinking it provides some lower level memory space improvements and less 
conflicts, but I feel like if you can't code in global space perhaps you should 
be rethinking how you code. I don't think most people care about the lower 
level advantages, they're just looking at it from a code laziness perspective.

Why make \bar\baz\foo() or $bar->baz->foo() instead of bar_baz_foo()? Prefixing 
functions seems perfectly effective. I see a lot of code that looks like 
they're using namespaces or OO just to group things together and organize code 
in some fashion. Not because there's any inherent benefit.

I'd much rather see effort taken on renaming functions to be more consistent, 
and making needle/haystack consistent, and maybe throw in named parameters. PHP 
is getting too complex as it is.

PHP purest at heart, (who has code that has lasted for a decade and multiple 
major php code changes still did not break it)
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