On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 3:23 PM, Wim Godden <wim.god...@cu.be> wrote:

> I agree that in most cases, that's a good thing. But it's also how we ended
> up with a thing called the Y2k problem : stuff running forever.
> Disclaimer : I've been developing with PHP since 1997, so I'm very fond of
> the language. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" is true, but I think we can
> all admit that on consistency level PHP has been at least badly damaged from
> the start. So maybe we need to think about fixing at least some parts of it.

I wouldn't compare the two... I'm not using deprecated stuff (although
it might be someday :() mainly just saying while everyone has been
extending PHP into Java-land, JSON-esque short arrays, lots more OO
fun, namespaces, etc... I could still code anything out of the box
with procedural PHP 5.2.x for the most part (with only a couple
function and parameter additions added in 5.3/5.4)

I've never had any APC issues - whereas OO code has had odd
incompatibilities, and IMHO the obsession with OO has introduced more
complexity into the language and everything related to it. Not the
popular opinion I know, but that's what open source is all about,

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