2013/2/27 Jens Riisom Schultz <ibmu...@me.com>

> Hi,
> I just want to get a feel for whether the following idea would be
> instantly rejected (for example I get the feeling that adding keywords is a
> big deal):
> Often, when writing frameworks, you need to make public or protected
> functionality or classes which should only be called from inside the
> framework. You CAN ensure this with a lot of ninja tricks and
> debug_backtrace, but it is very cumbersome and often hides your methods and
> properties from class signatures.

Just my 2 cent, but whats about just trust other developers, that when they
call a method/function marked with @internal they know, what they are doing?

> Therefore I would propose adding a C# style "internal" keyword. (
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7c5ka91b(v=vs.80).aspx )
> The idea is, simply, that functions, methods and classes marked as
> "internal" would only be accessible from within the namespace in which they
> are defined.

I don't think it makes sense for methods as public/protected/private is
enough. For know I don't see reasonable use-cases for an additional
visibility-modifier for "public as long as in the same namespace", or
"namespace-protected" for methods. But maybe it's interesting to extend
public/private/protected to classes and functions like

protected function anInternalFunction() { /* Restricted to this and
subnamespaces */ }
private class { /* Restricted to this namespace */ }

Worth the mention, that I rarely miss something like this, but at least I
can imagine some use-cases.

> For example the following class, "namespace Framework; internal class
> Something {}", would only be visible from within the "Framework" namespace.
> I have a hunch that this would be relatively easy to implement.
> If noone objects I would attempt to create a patch and an RFC.
> What do you think?
> -Jens Riisom Schultz
> --
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