Hello internals,

I had an idea recently with a friend, about a feature try-catch blocks
could use.
Let me just write an example, you will quickly understand the idea :

*try {*
*   foo();*
*   bar();*
*   baz();*
*} catch (SomeException $e) {*
*    dosomestuff();*
*    continue; /* Here is the feature, go back to try block */*
*} catch (Exception $e) {*
*    dosomething();*

The continue keyword would resume the execution from where it had
diverged, according to the function which led to the SomeException
catch block.

So, in this example, if, say, bar() throws a SomeException , the code
would then resume and execute baz() after the catch block.

Just presenting the idea here, no RFC actually , I'm collecting
thoughts and notices.


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