
> I would like to react on Stat's "it's-not-our-problem" comment in
> https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63520

I assume by "Stat" you mean myself, though I'm not the only one who
expressed the same sentiment of questioning why this is submitted as a
"bug" in PHP. Assuming that, below are my thoughts on the subject (I
apologize in advance for the length).

> I am very sad to see a core developer take such a passive-aggressive stance
> against distributions' problems.  My wild guess would be that most of the
> users use the PHP in the pre-packaged form.  Thus we really need to work
> together and not fight against each other even though the set of the
> problems (and their solutions) each party solves is different.

I assure you that by raising this question I meant no aggression or
animosity toward anybody, but I do have a question of priorities here. I
understand that Debian has certain ideological guidelines which preclude
them from distributing certain software that does not fit their views on
how software should be licensed. Even though as far as I know Debian has
"non-free" area in which they distribute software with licenses other
than approved by Debian's guidelines, but ultimately I recognize that
the decision of what to distribute and what not is Debian's and their
alone. However, what happens in PHP project is decided by PHP developers
community and should gain consensus and acceptance in the community.

However, given all that, I think the matter would be handled better if,
before taking decisions that can influence many users of PHP that chose
to trust Debian to deliver their PHP builds, Debian would consult with
PHP community on how to handle that. I do not remember this question
being raised on PHP list and discussed there. I personally found about
this decision by reading panic posts in the blogs along the line of "PHP
removes JSON support", which I do not think is the best outcome we could
hope for. I think PHP bug database is neither appropriate nor suitable
forum for discussing such things - it is meant for tracking bugs in PHP
code, e.g. mistakes made while implementing certain functionalities, and
the license of JSON code, which obviously being controversial and
causing issues for Debian, is definitely not there by any mistake and
should not be treated as "bug". It should be treated as licensing issue
and as such raised on this list and discussed and handled appropriately.

I certainly and wholeheartedly agree that we do need to work together
with distributions and that it would benefit our users. As a good start,
I would ask Debian representatives to work with PHP community within
processes accepted by the community, i.e. explain on this list why it is
impossible to distribute PHP the way it was distributed before for
years, why it is impossible to fit this code withing any "non-free"
framework Debian has, what Debian suggests to do (taking into account
this will influence wider PHP users community, many of whom, however
regrettable may it be, do not use Debian) and so on, initiating the
discussion that hopefully would come to some conclusion that would be
satisfactory to everyone involved.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

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