
> As we’re getting closer to release 5.6.0, and given the very high
> level of interest in phpng, I think it’s time for us to provide some
> clarity regarding what happens post 5.6.0.
> Dmitry and I wrote an RFC proposing that we merge phpng into master
> and turn it into the basis of the next major version of PHP (name
> TBD).

I think before we do that we need to do much better documentation around
the changes in the engine. I know that in the past we followed the "code
is documentation" pattern, but the code there becomes more and more
dense, with macros upon macros upon macros, and myriads of
micro-optimizations which make sense only in specific context. Absent
that context and documentation, understanding what is going on becomes
much harder and so becomes dealing with that code. Some of the changes
right now are partially documented in https://wiki.php.net/phpng-int,
some (like parameter parsing API) not documented at all. Given that, I'm
not even sure I understand what phpng is right now - as I didn't have
time to parse every commit during active development. So it would be
nice to have some internal docs if we want people to form an informed
opinion about what is being proposed.

And, of course, the porting guide for extension authors is another
required part. I know the phpng team did great work porting the
extensions, but people would need to support them and add the new ones,
so it is a must.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/

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