On 22 ביול 2014, at 15:39, Lester Caine <les...@lsces.co.uk> wrote:
> It does sound very much as if
> phpng is already a done deal and it just need to be rubber stamped into
> the main development stream?

It's not a rubber stamp.  If you don't feel it should make it in and enough 
people will think like you, then it won't make it in.  I think this would be an 
enormous strategic mistake for the project, but it's a possibility.
You're right that we're not going to write an RFC for each and every of the 
countless changes we made.  It's a vote on embracing the entire refactored 
codebase, or rejecting it.

> my own concern as
> always is the effect on extensions I use. These sorts of substantial
> reworks broke interbase for many versions back in the 5.0/5.1 days and
> it was not until 5.1.6 that a working version was restored! Interbase is
> not even included in phpng yet ... as are other database interfaces ...
> areas where performance can be tuned by offloading work rather than
> downloading data unnecessarily.

Assuming someone takes the time to do the necessary fixes to the Interbase 
extension, then there shouldn't be a problem.  Like any other extension in PHP, 
things can get messy if there's no maintainer for the extension;  I don't know 
if the Interbase extension has one, but if not, it may take a while for it to 
be upgraded or we might have to consider deprecating it (hopefully not).  
Taking your 5.x example, even though life was tough for Interbase users between 
5.0 and 5.1.6, I hardly think that we should have delayed for two years and a 
month (the time that passed between 5.0.0 and 5.1.6) because that extension had 
no maintainer...


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