On 21/08/2014 19:42, Andrea Faulds wrote:
> * IS_LONG/long - 32-bit or 64-bit integer (machine-dependant)
> * IS_BIGINT/bigint - arbitrary-size integer
> * IS_BIGINT_OR_LONG/integer - either a long or a bigint (pseudo-type)
> Replacing IS_LONG with IS_INT kinda ruins my naming scheme. The intention is 
> that “integer” and “int” are synonyms for “long or bigint”. However, if 
> internally an int is one thing and to userland it’s another, that would be 
> problematic. If this goes through, I’d probably make my bigints patch rename 
> IS_INT to something new again, probably IS_SMALLINT or even back to IS_LONG.

wouldn't the following work for you?


After all, SQL has INT(EGER) and BIGINT, albeit with different meanings.
In fact "bigint" itself to me and possibly many other developers means a
64bit int, not a GMP int.

Matteo Beccati

Development & Consulting - http://www.beccati.com/

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