> On 29 Oct 2014, at 04:29, Jordi Boggiano <j.boggi...@seld.be> wrote:
> Yup that's definitely better than having the readonly flag in the {} block as 
> I had it.
> I'd however say that it should be possible to define a writable property with 
> only a getter and then the setter would implicitly be created. Since readonly 
> is the way to define writability why should I have to specify a setter (even 
> a default empty one) if none is needed?
> P.S: Don't want to open pandora's box, but we could also have writeonly for 
> completeness perhaps. I don't really see the use case at all though 
> (immutability sure, mutant bottomless pit objects not so much:).

I don’t think allowing write-only properties is a good idea if we need a new 
keyword for it.

To be honest, for such a use case, using a setter method is probably better 
than assigning as if it were a normal property. While people would probably 
tolerate and understand read-only (from their perspective outside the class) 
properties, I think write-only properties will just lead to poor API design and 
Andrea Faulds

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