> Specifically, parsing the form data and populating it somewhere accessible
> to the user as it is today in $_POST and making any binary upload available
> in $_FILES or some other fashion. Ideally, making handling PUT more
> consistent with the way PHP handles POST.

OK, the first definition: "handling" means parsing multipart/form-data
automatically into form field names and values.  And again there are
specific documents that expect this to be done for POST (and
understandably so) but no such documents for PUT.  Which means you
want PUT to act as if it were as formally defined as POST. Which is
where we started from: you are transplanting a standard from one
method to the other.  This doesn't mean you are violating an extant
standard, it just is very, very far from compelling.  And your best
justifications for a present-tense need were wontfixes submitted by
relative newbies.

> First of all, RFC 1867 is not a standard. It's an experimental protocol
> definition.

Oh nonsense.  You know very well that RFC 1867 conformance is an
industry standard for file uploading  When 2388 says "originally set
out in [RFC1867] and subsequently incorporated into [HTML40]" it is
not treating 1867 as some fringe document. Non-HTML uploaders
(Flash/Java/Silverlight/cURL/all of them) use RFC 1867 as their design
spec, not as some wacky experiment.

> No where in the internet standards tracking documents do I see a
> definition that restricts multipart/form-data to POST.

You're deliberately phrasing it backwards.  The documents re: POST
enshrine multipart/form-data as one of two encodings.  There are no
documents re: PUT that refer to form encoding.

And I never said there was a restriction; in fact I specifically
outlined how 2388 breaks all restrictions on multipart/form-data.
However "no restriction" !== "an automatic connection."

> I think what you're
> referring to is the fact that the client UAs typically only ever handle form
> data as multipart/form-data mime as POST-specific requests. This is of
> course tied to the fact that client UAs don't typically follow the same
> intents of a RESTful API client/server relationship. Allow me to re-iterate
> the fact that this is one of the primary focuses of this discussion. That
> people normally want to deal with PUT requests in PHP under the umbrella of
> building their own RESTful APIs.

Show me the RESTful justification for decomposing PUT requests
*automatically*. There is none.

There may be local knowledge that justifies decomposing PUT requests
as if they are POST-like but it is not RESTful.  I've read all the
REST cookbooks there are.  You're trying to make this a thing, and
it's not.

> It's the same thing as with a POST request today in PHP. Nothing is stopping
> anyone from sending a you 2 GB multipart/form-data POST request either.

Stop moving the damn goalposts and stay on topic.  We are talking
about a ***PUT*** today in PHP.  Right now, that doesn't cost me
anything. In your model it can cost me a lot.  We have plenty of ways
of warding off oversize requests depending on method.

> should be checking intent before dealing with $_POST from the 
> $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] anyway, since you can't relay on $_POST
> necessarily being indicative of the request method anyway.

Certainly with your new feature one would be ill-advised to assume
that anything is what it seems.

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