
> Well, as others have pointed out, HHVM behaves differently in this case,


> so I guess what I'm getting at is: is this considered a feature *of the
> language*, or just a known oddity of the *implementation*? If it's part

I do not think the standard should require it, as whoever using this for
anything, one way or another, is doing it very, very wrong, but that's
how it works now.

> other implementations can emulate it (or decide to deviate from it); if
> not, then it seems appropriate to talk of "fixing" rather than
> "changing" it.

The choice of emotionally charged term is up to whoever uses it, my
point was just that this was a deliberate intentional decision, not an
unintentional mistake, and any change there has BC consequences. I think
this point is well made by now, so unless there is something new to say,
I'll refrain from discussing it further.
Stas Malyshev

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