> On 15 Jan 2015, at 11:01, Andrea Faulds <a...@ajf.me> wrote:
> Hey Dmitry,
>> On 15 Jan 2015, at 07:56, Dmitry Stogov <dmi...@zend.com> wrote:
>> ext/session and ext/json are required by most apps.
>> Actually I stopped attempts to build it when I saw compilation errors in 
>> ext/session.
>> Thanks. Dmitry.
> Oh dear, does ext/session not build? :/
> So far I've only built the branch with --disable-all.
> In the case of most extensions, the main source of compilation errors will be 
> changes to certain Zend Engine functions. In particular, is_numeric_string_ex 
> needs to support bigints now and has an extra parameter. I don't think I 
> changed very many other functions.
> Porting extensions should for the most part be relatively simple. Most 
> extensions are just sets of functions and use zpp. If they're using the 'l' 
> specifier (Z_PARAM_LONG) they'll continue to work. In most cases there is no 
> need to update an 'l' parameter to support bigints. The length of a string 
> can't exceed PHP's max integer size, for example. Of course, there are some 
> functions where it would have a clear benefit to add bigint support.
> The main problem with extensions is 'z'

(Sorry, accidentally sent too early)

The main problem with most extensions is the 'z' format specifier which accepts 
any value. If it accepts IS_LONG then it needs to accept IS_BIGINT too. In many 
cases you can just convert the bigint to a long and maybe reject it or wrap it 
if it won't fit, if the function doesn't need to support large integers:

    if (!zend_bigint_can_fit_long(Z_BIG_P(some_zval))) {
        zend_error(E_WARNING, "$some_zval too large");
    } else {
        lval = zend_bigint_to_long(Z_BIG_P(some_zval));

Something like that would work in most cases. There is also convert_to_long.

I probably should have focussed more on extension support, maybe I'll start try 
to port some of them, there's not that much Zend stuff left to do really. I 
would have ported ext/json, but there's now the jsond RFC.
Any help would be appreciated. I am panicking a bit as there's not that long to 
go before PHP7 feature freeze, assuming Zeev's timetable is actually followed. 
Though I think this feature should be doable: as I said, there's not much Zend 
stuff left to do, and most extensions should be quite simple to port.

Andrea Faulds

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