> On 19 Jan 2015, at 10:05, Tony Marston <tonymars...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> "Marcio Almada"  wrote in message 
> news:caoshv+uho3ovs-beqmdjomz4sdwoyjn7znmcqmt8byynugq...@mail.gmail.com...
>>> Perhaps there should be a new rule which says that invoking a constructor 
>>> with anything other than "new" or "parent::__contruct()"
>>> should be illegal, in which case this situation would generate an error.
>> Now this would break a lot of code that $obj->__construct(); or
>> $this->__construct();  And I've seen a lot of it.
> Surely, according to the principles of OO, a class constructor should ONLY be 
> called when the class is constructed/instantiated into an object via the 
> "new" verb? Google for "class constructor" and you will see all those links 
> which say the same thing.

Inheritance is also an OO principle, and typically a derived class’s 
constructor will call the parent’s.
Andrea Faulds

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