Tony Marston wrote on 19/01/2015 16:24:
"Rowan Collins"  wrote in message

Tony Marston wrote on 19/01/2015 15:01:
The aim should be to eliminate customer grievances as much as possible and not to simply ignore them.

I am not ignoring the grievances, and have repeatedly said that I am not sure whether or not the change is justified in this case.

You, however, are ignoring the benefits, and have repeatedly used phrasing that implies that you do not think they exist, right underneath my messages explaining what they are.

There may be a small benefit to the core developers, but a huge negative benefit (i.e. "problem") to the rest of the PHP community. When you identify something that benefits both the core developers and their customers I might be more inclined to listen.

Anything that benefits the core developers in their task of maintaining and improving the core automatically benefits users, because the core is improved. The idea that the two interests are distinct, or even opposed to each other, is disingenuous to the people who volunteer their time in an honest effort to make PHP better for everyone.

I'm going to duck out of this thread, now, because we're going round in circles, and if you want to know my opinion on the matter, you can read through the parts you ignored earlier.

Rowan Collins

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