Hi Stas!

On 05/02/15 09:30, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

>> The sole code change would be removing the check for POST, i.e.
>> `!strcasecmp(SG(request_method),"POST")` so that actually any request
>> method with a recognized content-type (i.e. application/form-data or
>> application/x-www-form-urlencoded) would trigger standard post data
>> handling.
> By "standard post data handling" you mean _POST? I'm not sure it's a
> good idea - it may lead some applications that assume _POST existence
> means POST request into a wrong path, which may have some bad
> consequences as GET and POST to the same URL may have completely
> different meaning in REST application (e.g. GET may be read and POST may
> be write). Why not just let the user ask for data if they need it, but
> keep the environment as is for those that do not need it?

Yes, I mean $_POST (and $_FILES). It's been requested multiple times,
but I know it's quite controversial. I think this approach is better
than any other proposed yet (think $_PUT and stuff).

If I receive form-data or www-form-urlencoded I'd like to have it
readily accessible, but that may only be my opinion, and I definitely
won't insist on it, so if people think this is too much for the naive
application testing $_POST for being a POST, I'll remove it.

Anybody else having an opinon on that matter?


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