On 05/02/15 09:53, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
> Hi!
>> Databases (see my pecl/pq example in the RFC), key/value stores, message
>> queues, whatever you can think of.
> HTTP and databases are principally different. HTTP protocol is stateless
> message-oriented protocol, and database connection protocols have very
> little in common with HTTP.
>> To demonstrate to ou how it would work out over multiple requests.
> But this example doesn't demonstrate doing something that people
> actually would or should do. And it also doesn't demonstrate a need for
> persisting HTTP connections across requests. In fact, it may be harmful
> for HTTP servers if connections were not closed when the user is done
> with them but the server is forced to keep them open beyond the time
> needed to serve the actual client.
>> Why do you think the connection should automatically be closed?
>> That's not the default case since HTTP/1.1, except the server is
>> explicitely configured to close each connection after serving.
> If the client is done with the connection, it is natural to assume it is
> closed. If it's not, then client failing to finish the communication for
> some reason may leave connection in wrong state and the other client may
> unsuspectingly reuse it, leading to very weird results.
>>>> █ mike@smugmug:~$ time php -d raphf.persistent_handle.limit=0 -r 'for
>>>> ($i=0;$i<20;++$i) {(new http\Client("curl","google"))->enqueue(new
>>>> http\Client\Request("GET", "http://www.google.at/";))->send();}'
>>>> 0.04s user 0.01s system 1% cpu 2.790 total
>>> So, the difference is microscopic even here. But with proper HTTP
>>> handling - like batch requests or keepalive - it would be even less.
>> Microscopic?! 50%?! Could you please elaborate? :)
> Sorry, I looked at wrong number, there is a difference. But if you need
> to talk a lot to the same service, why not just use keepalive connection
> for all your requests? As I said, sharing connections between
> unsuspecting clients may lead to problems.

Stas, we're talking in circles here :) Of course this is Keep-Alive.
Keep in mind that it's curl which is working under the hood, managing
alive connections for us. I just keep curl alive to take advantage of
that fact.

You can pass a persistent handle identifier (just a unique name) as
second argument to the constructor of http\Client, so you can group
related handles to max out that benefit.


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