this is not going to be a BC break, this is going to be a Forward
Compatibility break, that won't allow PHP code that use this feature work
on PHP5.

Scalar type hints and attributes are also going to introduce such breaks.

On the other hand if we keep constraints in phpdoc, PHP core shouldn't care
about it at all, and DbC is going to be a goal for separate project (like
phpDocumentor). Alexander, already have AOP based implementation.

In this moment, I don't have strong opinion, if we really need support for
DbC in PHP language (like in D).

Thanks. Dmitry.

Thanks. Dmitry.

On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 12:55 PM, François Laupretre <>

> Hi Yasuo,
> > De : [] De la part de Yasuo
> Ohgaki
> > Do you think of any negative impact on PHP if we implement D like
> > in{}/out{} which allow any PHP syntax?
> Can you please give your opinion about the BC break a D-like syntax would
> introduce ? It is important because, if the community accepts such a BC
> break for PHP 7, I stop working on my proposal based on phpdoc comments.
> IMO, it is essential to offer DbC option without making the 'DbC-enabled'
> code unable to run on PHP 5, but that's just my opinion.
> Cheers
> François
> --
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