
On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 2:44 AM, Andrea Faulds <a...@ajf.me> wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m posting this in a new thread since people might (reasonably) be ignoring 
> further responses to the [VOTE] thread.
> I’m considering a small change to the Scalar Type Hints RFC, specifically 
> about syntax. Quite a few people have said they don’t like the declare() 
> syntax, and it’s easy to see why. It’s rather verbose, it has all the quirks 
> of declare() (such as block syntax, not respecting scope), and it’s rather 
> ugly.
> Instead, I’m wondering if the following might be better:
>     <?php strict
> Which would be used like so:
>     <?php strict
>     function foobar(): int {
>         return 1.0; // error!
>     }
> It’d be a per-file directive, so there’d be zero mixing of modes within one 
> file, and you’d avoid the quirks of declare().
> It’s also a lot shorter, and it resembles Hack’s syntax:
>     <?hh // strict
> Of course, changing this would mean restarting the vote, but it’s only been 
> three days, we’re less than a quarter of the way through voting.
> Thoughts? Thanks!
> (By the way, I’d appreciate it if this thread didn’t turn into yet another 
> discussion of how and whether scalar type hints are a bad/good idea. We 
> already have at least four threads on that subject. I’m just considering a 
> specific change of syntax.)

I am not sure I like this. It is somehow not very phpish :)

May I ask why you like to do it? Declare works well and only need a
couple of line to make it work like encoding. We may fix as well other
related issues, nothing that does not look fixable.


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