On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 10:29 PM, Anatol Belski <anatol....@belski.net>

> Hi,
> the voting on the removals in PHP7 in hereby finished. The results are
> item                   yes:no
> sapi/aolserver         32:0
> sapi/apache            32:0
> sapi/apache_hooks      31:0
> sapi/apache2filter     23:1
> sapi/caudium           30:0
> sapi/continuity        28:0
> sapi/isapi             28:0
> sapi/milter            10:9
> sapi/phttpd            26:0
> sapi/pi3web            24:0
> sapi/roxen             23:0
> sapi/thttpd            25:0
> sapi/tux               25:0
> sapi/webjames          25:0
> ext/imap               14:19
> ext/mcrypt             15:18
> ext/mssql              17:13
> ext/pdo_dblib          4:18
> ext/sybase_ct          17:1
> As most of the items are considered to be removed, the ones to stay
> untouched by the 50%+1 requirement are
> ext/imap
> ext/mcrypt
> ext/pdo_dblib

Did you accidentally miss out mssql? it resultes in significant resistance
to leave core, such as mcrypt and ignoring mathematical numbers, from a
practical basis I'd like to see mssql kept in core. Who's with me ?

> I'm going to implement and tag the changes considered ASAP. Regarding the
> stuff to considered to be removed from the core - if there are some
> supporters, the sources will be made available in the git tag. They can be
> anytime ported to PHP7 and possibly resurrected.
> Regards
> Anatol
> --
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