
> 1) contracts in doc-commetns https://wiki.php.net/rfc/dbc
> /**
>  * @requires ($a >= 0)
>  */
> function foo($a) {
> }

We've spent several years rejecting annotations because no information
can be in comments, not even a little bit, not even a tiny. Now we'd
have full-blown running code in comments? How would this code be
debugged/profiled/interpreted by tools? Writing PHP parser is not easy
right now, but this would turn it into nightmare (what if you have a
comment inside @requires? etc.)

> 2) contracts as part of the language https://wiki.php.net/rfc/dbc2
> function foo($a)
>     require($a >= 0)
> {
> }

This is a step better but still we have the similar issues with
readability, to which reuse of 'require' is added.

> 3) contracts in annotations
> <<requires($a >= 0)>>
> function foo($a) {
> }

That one actually looks better to me, but: I'm not sure how annotation
syntax is supposed to support expressions or closures, yet more - how it
is supposed to share the scope with the function. I.e., if you define
annotation class/method/function/data structure/whatever it is, what it
is supposed to receive? Is it some special form of annotation for this
purpose only (meh)?
Oh, and <<>> syntax is *ugly* ;)

Stas Malyshev

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